Git Basics

Source control or Version control is a system which keeps a record about changes that made for a file or many files along the time so that we can recall it when needed
Version control is of two types as

·         Centralized version control (CVCS)
§  Developers interact with a central VCS server
§  Interaction is very slow
§  Not supportive to GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket

·         Distributed version control(DVCS)
§  Developers can have a local version database and interact with a server computer and each other
§  Collaborative working is allowed
§  Branching workflows for projects are supported

Git is replacement of BitKeeper which is introduced by Linus Torvalds in 2005.

Features of Git                      
§  Speed is high even with large projects
§  Can have multiple branches for parallel workings
§  Distributed version control (DVCS)
§  Supportive to GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket
§  Has Integrity
§  Has 3 common states as Modified to Staged and Staged to Committed

Advantages of Git
§  Keep a track on the changes made for files
§  Keep history of the codes
§  Collaborative workings are allowed
§  Localize the personal work until it is shared to teammates
§  Can resolve issues easily
§  Can inspect the previous project if necessary

Commands to add an existing repository to GitHub
1.    Create a new repository on GitHub.
2.    Open command prompt in your local project.
3.    Remove unwanted existing Git components
rd .git /S/Q
4.    Initialize the local directory as a Git repository.
git init
5.    Add the files in your new local repository.
git add .
6.    Commit the files that you’ve staged in your local repository.
git commit -m "<Any  appropriate word>"
7.    Add the URL for the remote repository where your local repository will be pushed.

git remote add origin <repository URL>

8.     Push the changes in your local repository to GitHub.

git push -u origin master


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