
Crash Approach to Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a trending topic in computational science since it vested numerous benefits to the users. Before going in-depth, it is important to have a basic idea of cloud computing. This article relies on a basic introduction to Cloud computing which is much appropriate for a beginner to achieve a thorough knowledge of the basics of Cloud Computing. Prior to learning about Cloud Computing, it is mandatory to have an idea on “What is Cloud?” Simply we can term a cloud as a network which is placed in a remote location and provides services over public or private networks to run applications. The general approach to define the Cloud computing concept can be declared as the process of accessing multiple server-based utility applications via the Internet. It facilitates the users to access data stored in the databases remotely via the internet without any management or maintenance interruption of primary resources. Cloud computing consisted of both software and hardware combined

.NET Framework

  .NET Framework is a software framework primarily developed for Microsoft Windows and initially released in 2000. It can be applied for Web and Mobile Applications as it has a wide range of functionalities. .NET Framework includes large class libraries which support several programming languages which are commonly defined as Framework Class Library (FCL). The software programs written in .NET are executed in a software environment known as Common Language Runtime (CLR). The runtime environment has facilitates like exception handling, security and memory management. Basically both FCL and CLR integrated together to form the .NET framework. The .NET Framework is composed of Common Language Runtime (CLR) Framework Class Library (FCL) Core Languages like WinForms, ASP.NET etc. Other Modules like WCF, WPF etc. The .Net Framework compatible for most of the programming languages such as C#, VB.NET, JScript.NET, COBOL, Perl, ML, Pascal, Python and many more. Advantages of using .Net Framework

Scrum and Kanban

What is Scrum? §   Scrum is a popular agile methodology §   It is very fast, flexible, effective, iterative and adaptive process §   Scrum ensures transparency in communication §   Scrum creates a collective progress Scrum Work Flow §   Several iterations happen before components are sent for customers for acceptance §   According to the release planning schedule increments are developed through several iterations §   Increments are developed according to a sprint cycle. Scrum development involves mainly 6 principles, 5 aspects and 5 key processes 6 principles of Scrum includes, ü   Self-organization ü   Empirical Process Control ü   Iterative Development ü   Time-boxing ü   Value-Based Prioritization ü   Collaboration   5 aspects of Scrum includes, ü   Organization ü   Business Justification ü   Quality ü   Change ü   Risk 5 main processes of Scrum includes, ü   Initiate ü   Plan and Estimate ü   Implement ü   Revi

OOP Design Patterns

Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Design Patterns are defined as reusable and tested solution for common object oriented design problems. They allowed programs to be maintainable, reusable, more flexible and loosely coupled. Generally these OOP design patterns are divided into 3 categories as  Creational ,  Structural , and  Behavioral  patterns. Respective to those 3 categories, there are 23 object oriented design patterns as shown in the given flow diagram. Out of the above diagram we have pointed out 5 commonly used design patterns. ·        Singleton This limits creating a class only to one object. This is achieved through making the constructor as private to that class.          This facilitates a global access to an object by ensuring that the object has only one  instance. ·        Factory Method Normally objects are created without denoting the specific class to which they are created. To overcome this issue, objects are created by call

Git Basics

Source control or Version control is a system which keeps a record about changes that made for a file or many files along the time so that we can recall it when needed Version control is of two types as ·          Centralized version control (CVCS) §   Developers interact with a central VCS server §   Interaction is very slow §   Not supportive to GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket ·          Distributed version control(DVCS) §   Developers can have a local version database and interact with a server computer and each other §   Collaborative working is allowed §   Branching workflows for projects are supported Git is replacement of BitKeeper which is introduced by Linus Torvalds in 2005. Features of Git                        §   Speed is high even with large projects §   Can have multiple branches for parallel workings §   Distributed version control (DVCS) §   Supportive to GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket §   Has Integrity §   Has 3 common states as Modifie

Solid Principles in Java

S.O.L.I.D principle is mainly used to write code in an efficient and effective way so that can be managed easily. Additionally it supports for agile software development. ü S: Single Responsibility Principle Key Idea: One class should have only one responsibility Simply define as one class should have one task to do This causes to create fewer functions Lesser functions lead for easy testing Powerful code organization  ü O: Open Closed Principle Key Idea: Software components should only opened to extend, but closed to modify This extending can be achieved by inheriting from a class or overwriting the required behaviors from a class or by extending certain behaviors of the class This principle recommends using interfaces ü L: Liskov Substitution Principle Key Idea: All derived types should be completely substitutable to the respective base types Every sub class or derived class should be substitutable for their parent or base class This