
Showing posts from April, 2020

How to create an emulator in Android Studio 3.6.2

Select the AVD Manager from the tool bar in Android Studio 3.6.2. Click on the  Create Virtual Device  button. Select Phone as Category and select the device (I have used Pixel 2 ) which you want to use to make a Virtual Device. Then click on the  Next button. Select the System Image (if anything does not appear at the beginning, you have to download first suitable one Ex: x86) and click Next button. Now give a suitable AVD name and select start up orientation and then click on the Finish  button. Newly created Emulator appears in the list of available Android Virtual Devices. Now click on the green triangle to launch the Emulator. Now go to your Android Studio Home page and wait until the emulator name appears on the Select Device . Next  run your application then it will run in the Android Emulator.   I have included a demo video about emulator working below this. Spend a second for it as well.

Flutter for Mobile Application Development

Flutter is a high performing and simple mobile application development framework based on Dart language. It renders the user interface directly in the operating system’s canvas so that the performance is high. Flutter itself can be defined as a widget and composed of in built widgets which are helpful for designing the application as simple as designing with HTML and also aids for creating animations and gestures. Each and every widget has a state and when a change is made, the Flutter analyzes the state change and renders the change only without re-render the entire application. Flutter is compatible for both Android and IOS operating systems. Let’s take a look into the features of Flutter, v   Application Performance is high v   Application development is fast v   Framework following reactive programming v   Based on Dart programming language v   Eye-catching and fluid user interfaces v   Wide widget catalog v   Same User Interfac...

AngularJS Web Application Framework

AngularJS is a Java Script library that acts as a structural framework to develop dynamic web applications. AngularJS is licensed under the Apache version 2.0 license. It is open source and free which can be used by most of the developers around the world. AngularJS uses HTML as the template language and extends HTML's syntax to develop components of web application clearly and easily. AngularJS follows Model View Controller (MVC) architecture so that developers can write client side applications using JavaScript in a clean way. AngularJS is a helpful web framework to develop Rich Internet Applications (RIA). AngularJS automatically handles JavaScript code suitable for each browser; it means that it is a cross-browser compliant framework. AngularJS can be used to maintain web applications easily and build large scale web applications with high performance. Let’s take a look at the features of AngularJS, Feature Description Data binding Data binding...

React Web framework Introduction

React is a web framework which is developed and maintained by Facebook and Instagram. React is a Java Script library used for creating composable user interfaces. React facilitates creation of reusable User Interface components to show data that change along with the time. React serves like the view of Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. Therefore most of people tend to use React. React is capable of abstracting the Document Object Model (DOM) from your application and provides a simple programming model to your application with better performance. React is mainly useful for web applications which deal with large amount of data that change with time without reloading the entire application. React render on the server by using Node. It aids for native/mobile applications by using React Native and React VR used to develop VR applications. React is developed focusing on Speed, Simplicity and Scalability. React has a component based life cycle for the development process. Rea...